学院讲坛:Environmental Management Considerations in Pharmaceutical Industries


一、报告题目:Environmental Management Considerations in Pharmaceutical Industries



四、主讲人:Hossein Ganjidoust


Hossein Ganjidoust received his BS in Chemical Engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas in 1976, 1st MS in Industrial Management from Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, Missouri in 1977 and 2nd MS in Sanitary Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1978 and PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1988.

From March 1995 to April 1996, he was on a Year of Sabbatical Leave At The National Institute for Resources & Environment (NIRE), Tsukuba Science City, Tsukuba, and Ibaraki, Japan. For three years since March 2013, he was Science Counselor and Iranian Student Advisor in Beijing, China from the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research & Technology.

He has over 30 yearsexperience in teaching and research in graduate levels and is presently engaged as Full Professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering Faculty, at Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran, I.R. Iran. Dr. Ganjidousts research interests include water & wastewater, industrial and hazardous waste handling, treatment and disposal.

He has supervised more than 20 research projects, and many PhD and MS studentsthesis.

At present time, he is supervisor of 6 PhD theses and 8 MS thesis.He has published over 120 papers in scientific national and ISI Journals and over 150 conference proceedings on his research. He is co-author of the book entitled: Application of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) in Sanitary & Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Tarbiat Modares Univ. Published in February 2011 and a chapter on: Hazardous Waste Management in Islamic Republic of Iran, HWM Policies and Practices in Asian Countriespublished by Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Tokyo in October 2001.


Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants (EPPPs) are widely and increasingly being used in consumer products. Although these pollutants are hard biodegradable or even nondegradable, significant knowledge gaps on the environmental and health impacts of these pollutants remain.

When they are released into the environment, cause short, medium, and long-term impacts on ecosystem health and resilience. So, they must be managed and treated before discharging to the environment. Conventional methods are not capable of treating these emerging pollutants. So, it is necessary to investigate the capability of new technologies.

Several studies have been done using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) to remove Tetracycline (TC) including electro-proxone, microwave, nanotechnology (use of nano zero valent iron, nanocomposite, and nano-adsorbent). The results show that advanced systems are successful in reducing the hazard of EPPPs.
